Unwatched men + panda sale

Originally uploaded by Ampersand Photography.

» Still haven’t had a chance to get out to Watchmen yet. Having finally read the graphic novel, I’m very curious to see how it translates to film. I’ve had my doubts it’s the sort of story that even could be told on film. What makes the graphic novel the powerful work of literature it is, isn’t anything that would make a good superhero action film. It’s all the backstory and character pieces outside of the main plot which make the harrowing, prophetic tale the rich, punch-packing story it is. There is the straight ahead superhero story going on parallel to all that but, honestly, it’s fairly weak on its own and since I suspect that’s what the film would need to focus on, I’m skeptical and dubious and a little incredulous about the glowing reviews. But now there’s a few lukewarm and negative reviews trickling in which make me even more curious.

Having disliked The Dark Knight, I suspect I’m going to be on the lukewarm side myself. I could see that maybe it it’d been done by someone like HBO as a mini-series, and included all the backstory and "bonus" materials, Watchmen could be done properly. In this day and age, TV no longer means lower production values than cinema, so why do they make two hour films of books what need 12 hours to tell? Each chapter/issue of Watchmen deserves an hour of screen time.

I’ve been thinking lately that if Lucas really needed to make the Star Wars prequels with the scenarios and characters he ended up using, three seasons of TV would have been the way to go telling that story. I still wouldn’t have been happy with… pretty much everything I wasn’t happy about in the movies, but at least he could have done the political intrigue justice and the horrible CG would have been acceptable on the small screen. I have a feeling that’s what my feelings of the Watchmen film will be. I’ll report back once I’ve watched it.

» Oh, there’s a sale going on at the Pandanoids site.

6 Responses to Unwatched men + panda sale

  1. atrophe says:

    Oh lets p-review it please.

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