Hmmm… schedule says time to go to lunch…

Bosses have gone to Kamloops…. Not much to do today but this…

Q : how old were you when you lost your virginity?
A : 19

Q : if you could be assured success in your career, what would you do?
A : Musician, writer, graphic designer. Same things I’m doing now without so much of the success.

Q : if you could live anywhere, where would you live and why?
A : My dream city probably doesn’t exist. Something like Victoria, but without the kinda smalltown lameness even Victoria has. If you put all the cool stuff about New York or San Francisco or London in Victoria, I’d live there.

Q : so why don’t you move there then?
A : Because I’ve yet to visit a city I’d actually want to live in enough to actually make it a goal to move there.

Q : have you ever cheated on someone?
A : I entirely forgot about this but right before Petra moved to Japan I fooled around with one of my friends. I think because I was almost blind drunk, I sort of never counted it. And it was kind of a grey area whether Petra and I were even a couple at that point. 

Q : which do you like more, art nouveau or art deco?
A : Deco

Q : do you care about typegraphy, at all?
A : Enough to spell it “Typography”

Q : do you have more then 300$ in your bank account on a regular basis?
A : Totally

Q : are you religious and why?
A : No. It’s a ludicrous concept.

Q : do you know your neighbour or like them?
A : I like Helen. The young DJ boys on the otherside are kind of annoying with their skateboard party the other night.

Q : are you color blind or dyslexic?
A : Yes and sometimes with numbers, but it’s probably not really dyslexia as much as me not paying close attention.

Q : would you ever participate in a rally? for what?
A : No. Rallies are kind of pointless unless there’s 10,000 + people participating. Those rallyies with 100 people standing around in a huddle with a few signs just make whatever you’re trying to say look mickey mouse and not credible.

Q : what do you usually do in a day? (fill this out k?)
A : 

6:30-7:15 : swear at my cat
7:15-8:15 : get out of bed, feed cat, shower, dress, drink coffee, leave for work
8:30-9 : arrive at work, check email
9-12 : work (check email / livejournal / myspace / maldesign / flickr / peter’s blog / browse all music)
12-12:30 : walk down to the mall for lunch
12:30-5 : work (check email / livejournal / myspace / maldesign / flickr / peter’s blog / browse all music)
5-6 : Drive home, feed cat, make dinner
6-7 : eat dinner, watch HGTV
7-8 : check email/livejournal
8-11 : either watch a DVD or write/record music, get hassled by cat for attention. for a while this was “apartment organization hours.”
11-12 : MSN or email and go to bed
12-1 : read / fall asleep. tell cat to “shut up, it’s sleepytime.”

Q : are you happy with your daily routine?
A : Happier to replace the 8:30-5 hours with “leisure activities” and “fun stuff”

Q : what is your dearest possession?
A : I’m kind of letting go of being attached to possessions. Probably I’d be upset with my early recordings getting lost. But then, no, actually not. I can’t really think of any one thing that couldn’t be replaced or let go of. There’s certainly things I like alot.

Q : do you want to have kids?
A : It’s not a “need” of mine. But I’m not deadset against it. I think it would have given my live more of a sense of meaning. I really think the whole point of being alive is to produce more people. But just thinking like that makes it seem weird and pointless.

Q: are you competitive?
A : I like to win at least 50% of the time.

Q : do you like art?
A : I like beauty. I like insight into human nature. A lot of “Art “is neither of these things. But in general, yes, I like Art.

12 Responses to Hmmm… schedule says time to go to lunch…

  1. You don’t get much sleep. If I was in bed for only 5 and a half hours every weekday, I’d be a cranky sonofagun.

  2. You don’t get much sleep. If I was in bed for only 5 and a half hours every weekday, I’d be a cranky sonofagun.

  3. mrdapper says:

    I totally don’t and I totally am.

  4. mrdapper says:

    you should come to Nacho Libre tonight at 8pm, Galaxy Cinema. Call me 754-7459 if you’re in.

  5. pandorsalfin says:

    Okay, we totally both made the same typography joke. ARG

  6. pandorsalfin says:

    Okay, we totally both made the same typography joke. ARG

  7. mrdapper says:

    well, it was such a good set up, how could we not?

  8. pandorsalfin says:

    True… the joke made itself. 🙂

  9. pandorsalfin says:

    True… the joke made itself. 🙂

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